Memes are a reflection of reality, which is why it has evolved to become a language all on its own.

"But memes also have a serious side, according to researchers looking at modern forms of communication. They are a language in themselves, with a capacity to transcend cultures and construct collective identities between people. These sharable visual jokes can also be powerful tools for self-expression, connection, social influence and even political subversion"
"The gene, the DNA molecule, happens to be the replicating entity that prevails on our own planet. There may be others. If there are, provided certain other conditions are met, they will almost inevitably tend to become the basis for an evolutionary process"
- Richard Dawkins, 1976
"In today's world, memes are the seeds from which social movements grow, but to flower, they must find their homes in the fertile ground of minds and cultures."
- Xiao Mina, Memes to Movements
Exploratory study on the role of emotion regulation in perceived valence, humour, and beneficial use of depressive internet memes in depression
The contagiousness of memes: containing the
spread of COVID-19 conspiracy theories in a
forensic psychiatric hospital
The surprising power of internet memes,

By Helen Brown